Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Potty Training Stinks!

So my little Austin has been showing an interest in potty training. He is 2 1/2 and I have not quite been in the mindset to start this yet. I am however, very excited to not have 2 children in diapers. So this morning, as he has done on other mornings, he takes off his diaper when he wakes up, throws it in the garbage and then goes straight to the toilet to go to the bathroom.

I was planning to be home all day doing laundry except for one trip to Target to pick up a prescription. Sydney left at 9am to playgroup, so I got the other 2 kids ready and headed out the door. I said to Austin if you want to be a big boy and use the toilet, lets buy you some big boy underwear. He was very excited about it and when we arrived at the store he picked out:

Perfect, I thought 9 pairs of underwear half of which we will probably go through in one day! We came home put them on with plastic pants over them to prevent messes around the house. I would say we have had 5 good experience and 2 not so good! I think this is one of the most frustrating parenting experiences. Maybe more so this time because I have a new baby who needs so much time and attention as well. I know some of you are reading this saying, "Didn't I ask her for advice when I was doing this?" Yes you did and now that I am in the middle of it, I am asking for your advice!


kwgirl said...

Patience...this too shall pass...they will be potty trained before they go to kindergarten. I said all of these a million times as it can be such a frustrating and rewarding experience. Good Luck!

Lisa said...

I have nothing to share - I came down the stairs this morning and said to Adam and Emma "Who is stinky?" Adam replied "Me and it's a big one."

So obviously my potty training attempts have failed. Good luck!

I would like to know why there isn't a "potty" whisperer.

CJ said...

Just be patient, and don't push him too fast. One trick I used is that we didn't leave the house in underwear until she had spent a whole day dry. Diapers were still okay in the bed, I hate changing sheets. We had a little timer that we would try every 15 minutes. She would get one treat for trying, and 2 for going. That was the best thing! After almost a year sometimes she still says, "One for trying, two for going!" It makes me laugh, and I have to give her a treat, even though she goes on her own now. Good Luck!

Ashlee Graham said...

Christa! Hey Girl I came across your blog today so I thought I would say Hi. Glad to see you have started Austin on the potty...so when I start to potty train Ayden I have someone to give me some support :). I have a blog but it is a work in progress. I'll let you know when it's done.


Michele said...

Christa I have no advice for you, we still have a long time before we have to cross that bridge with Lincoln, but I am sorry it has been difficult! Knowing Austin, I'm sure he'll have it down in just a couple of weeks! Good Luck- can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!

The Stokes said...

Okay Chris - Just keep going only 2 accidents is nothing. You need to get through the first week then things should get easier. Find his favorite thing and give him treats for going. Dr. Jones doesn't recommend putting diapers on at night, underware all the way. It's frustrating, but you'll get through it.

Anonymous said...

Stick to it...no diapers or anything of the like. I would buy some of the thicker kind of underwear though. Less mess but they still feel the wetness. I didn't mind taking them out to run errands because if they had an accident out in public it was better than on my carpet. Treats for going definitely but also make a big, big deal when he does. "Yeah you did it" make up a potty dance a lot of attention, call the grandmas, aunts or daddy on the phone and share the good news. Good Luck!!

Jamie said...

I need help potty training Emersyn. My boys were a piece of cake, but I don't know what to do with her. I potty training all my boys by letting them go comando. They liked to aim in the toilet. It was pretty quick that way for me anyways.

Kyndra said...

My advice is bad advice: Wait until they are 3 1/2 and more than ready and then buckle down one day with the advice from Toilet Training in Less Than a Day and you won't have any problems :-)

Kelli Schwarz said...

WOW....I totally agree. It's so hard to get these little guys to do the potty trick. If I find some good advice I will for sure pass it along. Until then....GOOD LUCK, and I will be thinking of you. I have been trying to make going to the potty so fun for Crew. With Cooper I bought a bunch of little cars and wrapped them up. Every time he went, he got to open a present. He loved it. I eventually faded the toys out and then he just started going. So try it if you want:)

Christie said...

Ahhhh, the joys.

Each of my kids potty trained at their own pace and all at different ages. Good luck!